SotM Asia 2024 App

A app that help event community to self dependent own without any hastle.

SotM Asia 2024 Mobile Application.

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Our Mobile App

SotM Asia 2024 App

State of the Map Asia (SotM-Asia) is a regional SotM conference for the continent of Asia. We hope to serve and gather 300-500 participants from Asia and beyond to connect and discuss not only OpenStreetMap and open data tools, projects and challenges, but also showcase diverse Asian cultures.

And this app developed by the community, and for the community.

Amazing Features

Once you have this app, you no need to thinking about joining the events. There are a few features which are nice to have and some which are must-haves, but many will make you really stand out.

Program Schedule

This app has full events program schedule day to day, time to time, room to room separately. So no need to ask the nest person about program time table.


If you are first time in hosting country or first time in Cox's Bazar this map will help you navigation to reach the venue.

Note Taker

This Note Taker options make the app to much valuable. Because users no need to carrying extra notebook. Any short note, important point and many things easily input, modifying in this app.

Emergency Contact

If any attendee have any serious issues about this event and he/she don't have proper contact person then they can use this contact list for emergency.

Code of Conduct

The code of conduct page help the attendee what they can do or can't do on program. Also This page inform you, your event safety rules.

Others Info

Help page, Co-event page, Organiser page other pages are helps you to many event related information.

App Screenshots

These are screenshots of SotM Asia 2024 App where you can see various pages like contact, program, team, map main etc.